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Meru Meru Village Visit

Pastor Frank and a team from Lugala recently headed to the south-western region of Uganda to visit Meru Meru, a small rural village with around 100 people, 1 HOPE Primary School and 2 COME churches.

While they were there, the team met with the school's Parents and Teachers Association where they heard about the remarkable results that several of the students had been achieving in national testing, the recent plight of drought in the area and land developments in the village.

Because of the generosity of so many of our supporters and sponsors we were able to assure the parents that COME Uganda would commit to covering the costs of the school for the upcoming term! They were overjoyed and very relieved that their children would be able to continue to receive education.

HOPE Primary Meru Meru currently has 116 children enrolled with 7 teaching staff. Children from all around the area come to the school. The aim is for the school to become self supported in the future. We were also able to announce our intentions to build a house for the school's director, Grace. His vision to bring education to the children of Meru Meru resulted in the school being founded in 2011. We are so grateful for his hard work, dedication and love for this community! Thanks to a very timely and generous donation from Wellsprings Church, Yamba (NSW) we were able to give Grace and his family 4 mattresses and 8 blankets. Grace and his wife, who already have 1 child of their own, have adopted another and taken in 6 orphans from the community. This brings the total amount of children in his family that he supports to 8!!

The team also spent a day at Meru Meru church, ministering as part of an all day seminar. People from HOPE Church (another COME Uganda church in the area) also attended.

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